Depression And Anxiety

Over the years I have worked with many who identify challenges such as anxiety or depression. Sometimes the problems feed off of each other and sometimes they act as distinct issues that can overwhelm, inhibit communication with others, and lead to feelings of loneliness or isolation. While psychiatrists can certainly help these challenges with medication and I enjoy collaborating and communicating with all members of a treatment team, I have found individuals to benefit greatly from therapy. At times I have found inviting family, friends, or other individuals identified as important helpful to problem management. In my experience it can create a space of understanding and develop support system to communicate with outside of therapy. In my sessions we might explore the problem and its effects as well as identify some things that help make it smaller. We will identify cultural factors that may be contributing to development or how the problem is handled as well as values important holding close throughout our work.  I might question or doubt the problem and identify hopes or things in one's life that make the problem manageable. The goal is not to live a life without challenges or emotions that can be hard but to identify those emotions, manage them, and know skills to do when they are present. 


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